
257 lines
7.1 KiB

/* File: scanner.l
* ----------------
* Lex input file to generate the scanner for the compiler.
#include <string.h>
#include "scanner.h"
#include "utility.h" // for PrintDebug()
#include "errors.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
/* Global variable: yylval
* -----------------------
* This global variable is how we get attribute information about the token
* just scanned to the client. The scanner sets the global variable
* appropriately and since it's global the client can just read it. In the
* future, this variable will be declared for us in the file
* produced by Yacc, but for now, we declare it manually.
YYSTYPE yylval; // manually declared for pp1, later Yacc provides
/* Global variable: yylloc
* -----------------------
* This global variable is how we get position information about the token
* just scanned to the client. (Operates similarly to yylval above)
struct yyltype yylloc; // manually dclared for pp1, later Yacc provides
* ---------------------
* This flex built-in macro can be defined to provide an action which is
* always executed prior to any matched rule's action. Basically, it is
* a way of having a piece of code common to all actions factored out to
* this routine. We already defined it for you and left the empty
* function DoBeforeEachAction ready for your use as needed. It will
* be called once for each pattern scanned from the file, before
* executing its action.
static void DoBeforeEachAction();
#define YY_USER_ACTION DoBeforeEachAction();
static void set_value(TokenType);
ALPHA [a-zA-Z]
ALPHANUM [a-zA-Z0-9]
WORDCHAR [a-zA-Z0-9_]
DIGIT [0-9]
HEX 0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]+
/* Keywords */
void return T_Void;
int return T_Int;
double return T_Double;
bool return T_Bool;
string return T_String;
class return T_Class;
interface return T_Interface;
null return T_Null;
this return T_This;
extends return T_Extends;
implements return T_Implements;
for return T_For;
while return T_While;
if return T_If;
else return T_Else;
return return T_Return;
break return T_Break;
New return T_New;
NewArray return T_NewArray;
/* Type Constants */
true|false {set_value(T_BoolConstant); return T_BoolConstant;}
{HEX}|{DIGIT}+ {set_value(T_IntConstant); return T_IntConstant;}
{DIGIT}+\.{DIGIT}*((E|e)(\+|-)?{DIGIT}+)? {set_value(T_DoubleConstant); return T_DoubleConstant;}
\"[^\"\n]*\" {set_value(T_StringConstant); return T_StringConstant;}
\"[^\"\n]* {ReportError::UntermString(&yylloc, yytext);}
/* Whitespace */
/* Identifier */
{ALPHA}{WORDCHAR}* {set_value(T_Identifier); return T_Identifier;}
/* Operators */
"<=" return T_LessEqual;
>= return T_GreaterEqual;
== return T_Equal;
!= return T_NotEqual;
&& return T_And;
"||" return T_Or;
\+ return '+';
- return '-';
\* return '*';
\/ return '/';
% return '%';
\< return '<';
\> return '>';
= return '=';
! return '!';
; return ';';
, return ',';
\. return '.';
"[" return '[';
"]" return ']';
"(" return '(';
")" return ')';
"{" return '{';
"}" return '}';
. ReportError::UnrecogChar(&yylloc, *yytext);
static bool text_to_bool(char *yytext) {
if (!strcmp(yytext, "true")) {
return true;
} else if (!strcmp(yytext, "false")) {
return false;
} else {
Failure("Unrecognized value in function text_to_bool()");
// This will never be called
static int text_to_int(char *yytext) {
if (strlen(yytext) >= 2 && (yytext[1] == 'x' || yytext[1] == 'X')) {
int num;
int decimal = 0;
for (int i = 2; i < yyleng; i++) {
char c = isalpha(yytext[i]) ? toupper(yytext[i]) : yytext[i];
switch(c) {
case 'A': num = 10; break;
case 'B': num = 11; break;
case 'C': num = 12; break;
case 'D': num = 13; break;
case 'E': num = 14; break;
case 'F': num = 15; break;
default: num = yytext[i] - 48; break;
decimal += num * pow(16, yyleng - i - 1); // The exponent is the inverse of the char position
return decimal;
return atoi(yytext);
static double text_to_double(char *yytext) {
int i = 0;
double ret = 0;
bool decimal = false;
double divisor = 1;
bool pose = true;
bool exponent = false;
std::string num;
while(i < yyleng){
num = num + yytext[i];
if(yytext[i] == 'E' || yytext[i] == 'e'){
exponent = true;
ret = ret + atoi(num.c_str())/divisor;
if(yytext[i + 1] == '-'){
pose = false;
else if(yytext[i + 1] == '+') i++;
if(decimal) divisor *= 10;
if(yytext[i] == '.'){
ret = atoi(num.c_str());
decimal = true;
if(exponent) return ret * pow(10, atoi(num.c_str()));
else return ret + atoi(num.c_str())/divisor;
static void set_identifier(char *identifier) {
int num_chars = yyleng + 1; // The characters plus the null character
if (yyleng > MaxIdentLen) {
ReportError::LongIdentifier(&yylloc, yytext);
num_chars = MaxIdentLen;
strncpy(identifier, yytext, num_chars);
assert(identifier[MaxIdentLen + 1] == 0);
static void set_value(TokenType t) {
switch(t) {
case T_BoolConstant: yylval.boolConstant = text_to_bool(yytext); break;
case T_IntConstant: yylval.integerConstant = text_to_int(yytext); break;
case T_DoubleConstant: yylval.doubleConstant = text_to_double(yytext); break;
case T_StringConstant: yylval.stringConstant = yytext; break;
case T_Identifier: set_identifier(yylval.identifier); break;
default: Failure("Unrecognized token %d in set_value()", (int) t);
/* Function: InitScanner
* ---------------------
* This function will be called before any calls to yylex(). It is designed
* to give you an opportunity to do anything that must be done to initialize
* the scanner (set global variables, configure starting state, etc.). One
* thing it already does for you is assign the value of the global variable
* yy_flex_debug that controls whether flex prints debugging information
* about each token and what rule was matched. If set to false, no information
* is printed. Setting it to true will give you a running trail that might
* be helpful when debugging your scanner. Please be sure the variable is
* set to false when submitting your final version.
void InitScanner()
yy_flex_debug = false;
PrintDebug("lex", "Initializing scanner");
/* Function: DoBeforeEachAction()
* ------------------------------
* This function is installed as the YY_USER_ACTION. This is a place
* to group code common to all actions.
static void DoBeforeEachAction()
// TODO: This section looks hacky to me
static int col_pos = 1;
static int line_pos = 1;
if (*yytext == '\n') {
col_pos = 0;
yylloc.first_column = col_pos;
yylloc.last_column = col_pos + yyleng - 1;
yylloc.first_line = line_pos;
col_pos += yyleng;